• Lean away from using any portion or distortion of your name, including spouse, children, and/or pets.
• For those who prefer to use only letters, go long. If you're merging multiple words, misspell them or insert spaces in weird places.
• If non-alpha characters are tolerable, throw in a number or symbol in the middle of words. Don't bother with the common letter/symbol replacements (like LeetSpeak), just 'insert' something odd. 7doM[in]oes
• Padding works by repeating a character multiple times to strengthen by length. ru-biKcuuube ***2Ji(gsaw
• For the more complex folks, there are symbol patterns I|[:.Δ.:]|I or a fish ><(((('> .J or go exotic ¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°˘°º§ϱ.
We offer a free API (RESTful service) for evaluating passwords on-demand [documentation]. This is a far better option than enforcing rules requiring the use of certain case, letters, numbers, et cetera, which increases one's ability to compromise that system's passwords.
A brief article on password cracking capabilities using free software tools [May2013].
A brief article on password cracking capabilities using free software tools [May2013].
Powered by our Password Piranha Engine

Legal Stuff: We do not record, store, sell, or share any passwords entered here. We are not responsible for what you do with this information.
And the usual this is for educational purposes only; do not try this at home; no flash photography; be kind to all forms of life. Velocius quam asparagi conquantur.
And the usual this is for educational purposes only; do not try this at home; no flash photography; be kind to all forms of life. Velocius quam asparagi conquantur.